Rockwell, Norman Percevel

Norman Percevel Rockwell (1894-1978) born in New York City. American Illustrator and Painter. At age 14 enrolled at The New York School of Art. Two years later, in 1910, left high school to study art at The National Academy of Design. Subsequently transferred to The Art Students League, studying illustration under Thomas Fogarty and technique and anatomy under George Bridgman.

Named Art Director at Boys’ Life at age of 19. At 21, moved to New Rochelle, New York – home to established illustrators J.C. and Frank Leyendecker and Howard Chandler Christy. Set up a studio with cartoonist Clyde Forsythe, produced work for magazines Life, Literary Digest, and Country Gentleman. In 1916 painted his first Saturday Evening Post cover. Created 320 more over 47 years.

Prolific output includes the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter and Four Freedoms (1943) which helped galvanize support for the war effort during WWII, and civil rights overture The Problem We All Live With for Look magazine.

The Norman Rockwell Museum is located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Schools Attended: New York School of Art, Art Students League.

Teachers: Thomas Fogarty, George Bridgman
